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20th Anniversary


Save the date for our 20th-Anniversary Chocolate Auction on February 1. Sponsorships are available now. 

Our Work

CASA serves as a powerful voice for abused and neglected children, whose case is in the court system.  A CASA Volunteer provides insight to a judge with a carefully researched background of the child to help the court make a sound decision about the child's future.  The CASA Volunteer makes recommendations to the court that are in the child's best interest. The CASA volunteer builds a relationship with the child and is a consistent support in the child's life.

Together, we can change the lives of children in our area.

Central Kansas CASA - region served

Central Kansas CASA provides services for five counties in Central Kansas - Barton, Stafford, Rice, Ellsworth and Russell. 

By the Numbers


children served by CK CASA since 1985


of children had stability in their CASA Advocate throughout their court involvement


of the children living in out of home placements in our 5 county area have a CASA advocate

UWCK and Central Kansas CASA

UWCK and Central Kansas CASA

We can serve every child. We just can't do it alone. Join us.


If there were literal angels walking this earth, it would be our CASA worker. She has been amazing this entire process. We love her, our kids love her and the placed with us loves her so much. We are so thankful for her.

Foster Parent in Central Kansas

Truly – there are no perfect words to explain how it feels to be a CASA volunteer other than LOVE. I love helping these children have a better life. I may be the one solid, loving, caring person in their lie. I love fighting or them and being their voice. I am that one adult in their life that can help them learn how wonderful and precious they are.

CASA Volunteer

CASA has been truly enlightening, education and the best volunteer experience! I was involved with CASA by serving on the board, helping with the annual CASA Chocolate Auction, meeting new friends and working with the volunteers all whose hearts are very much for the children we serve.

Board Member

Home: Testimonials

Contact Us

2000 Washington, Great Bend, KS 67530

Thank You for Contacting Central Kansas CASA

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